fan form (shape)
fan form (shape)
fan shape
: fan shape 扇形 おうぎがた せんけい
form a shape
: ある形を成す
form and shape
: 成形する
flat main lobe in the shape of a fan
: 扇形{せんけい}の平らな主ローブ
beautiful form or shape
: beautiful form or shape 美形 びけい
beautiful shape or form
: beautiful shape or form 麗容 れいよう
form a doughnut shape
: ドーナツ状を成す
form a funnel shape
: じょうご状の形を成す
form a round shape
: 円を作る
form a shape in a mold
: 鋳型{いがた}で型を作る
form the structural shape by drawing
: 構造材{こうぞう ざい}を引き抜き法で作製{さくせい}する
in any shape or form
: どんな形ででも、少しも
in any way ,shape or form
: in ány wáy ,shápe or fórm ((略式))[名詞の後で] どんな種類の…でも;[否定文で] 少しも,全然.
in the shape or form of a mountain
: in the shape or form of a mountain 山容 さんよう
to take form (shape)
: to take form (shape) 体を成す たいをなす
"fan fold paper" 意味
"fan folded paper" 意味
"fan folding paper" 意味
"fan foot" 意味
"fan forced heater" 意味
"fan fucking tastic" 意味
"fan fuse" 意味
"fan gate" 意味
"fan hatred toward religion" 意味
"fan foot" 意味
"fan forced heater" 意味
"fan fucking tastic" 意味
"fan fuse" 意味
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